Welcome to Nerdy From Scratch! I’m Alex, a 28-year-old from the Midwest and I’ve been subjecting my friends and family to my nerdy interests for nearly two decades. I was always the kid carrying a book (or two) around and telling everyone who would listen about my latest read.
Now that I’m older, my favorite thing to do is incorporate my interests into my food and travels. I think I’ve checked out nearly every cookbook based on a TV show or movie that my library owns. There’s just something more fun about a meal when it’s themed. Spending a semester studying abroad in Japan and finally getting to travel to New Zealand have been some of the highlights of my life. I’m not sure any travel experience will get to beat walking the paths at Hobbiton and drinking ginger beer in the Green Dragon.

I’m constantly finding new ways to express my nerdy side and unapologetically embrace my interests. Cringe is dead or at the very least we’re leaning into it rather than being ashamed. Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope you stick around for more!